diff options
authorBradley Taunt <bt@btxx.org>2024-07-20 14:21:48 -0400
committerBradley Taunt <bt@btxx.org>2024-07-20 14:21:48 -0400
commitca10d78e63a3caf8b79ac7b73ff483a7150c2683 (patch)
Initial commit. Consider things in alpha and possible to change.
3 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4d62f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ rm -rf build && mkdir build
+ ruby blog.rb
+ rm -rf build/*
+.PHONY: build clean
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c6e1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# wruby
+> This is a heavy work-in-progress. Consider this in alpha state.
+Minimal blog and static site generator. The "w" is silent...
+## Dependencies
+- `ruby`
+Install required gems:
+gem install kramdown rss
+## Running
+1. Create markdown blog posts under root `posts/` directory
+2. Create markdown pages under root `/pages` directory
+3. Store media (images, videos etc) inside the root `/public` directory
+4. Run `make build` in root
+5. Upload `build` folder to your server \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wruby.rb b/wruby.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..528aa57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wruby.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+require 'kramdown'
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'date'
+require 'rss'
+# Configuration all the things!
+site_url = 'https://wruby.btxx.org'
+site_name = 'wruby'
+author_name = 'Bradley Taunt'
+posts_dir = 'posts'
+pages_dir = 'pages'
+public_dir = 'public'
+output_dir = 'build'
+posts_output_dir = "#{output_dir}/posts"
+pages_output_dir = "#{output_dir}/"
+header_file = 'header.html'
+footer_file = 'footer.html'
+root_index_file = 'index.md'
+rss_file = "#{output_dir}/index.atom"
+# Make sure output directories exist
+[posts_output_dir, pages_output_dir].each { |dir| FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) }
+# Read the footer content
+footer_content = File.read(footer_file)
+# Replace the title meta tag in the header.html
+def replace_title_placeholder(header_content, title)
+ header_content.gsub('<title>{{TITLE}}</title>', "<title>#{title}</title>")
+# Grab the title from each markdown file
+def extract_title_from_md(lines)
+ first_line = lines.first
+ first_line&.start_with?('# ') ? first_line[2..-1].strip : 'Blog Index'
+# Convert markdown files
+def process_markdown_files(input_directory, output_directory, header_content, footer_content)
+ items = []
+ Dir.glob("#{input_directory}/**/*.md").each do |md_file|
+ md_content = File.read(md_file)
+ lines = md_content.lines
+ title = extract_title_from_md(lines)
+ date = Date.parse(lines[2]&.strip || '') rescue Date.today
+ html_content = Kramdown::Document.new(md_content).to_html
+ relative_path = md_file.sub(input_directory + '/', '').sub('.md', '')
+ item_dir = File.join(output_directory, relative_path)
+ output_file = "#{item_dir}/index.html"
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(item_dir)
+ header = replace_title_placeholder(header_content, title)
+ File.write(output_file, header + html_content + footer_content)
+ items << { title: title, date: date, link: relative_path + '/', content: html_content }
+ end
+ items
+# Create the root index file
+def generate_index(posts, header_content, footer_content, root_index_file, output_dir, posts_dir)
+ root_index_content = File.read(root_index_file)
+ root_title = extract_title_from_md(root_index_content.lines)
+ root_html = Kramdown::Document.new(root_index_content).to_html
+ header = replace_title_placeholder(header_content, root_title)
+ index_content = header + root_html + "<ul class=\"posts\">\n"
+ posts.each { |post| index_content << "<li><span>#{post[:date]}</span><a href='/#{posts_dir}/#{post[:link]}'>#{post[:title]}</a></li>\n" }
+ index_content << "</ul>\n" + footer_content
+ File.write("#{output_dir}/index.html", index_content)
+# Generate the RSS feed
+def generate_rss(posts, rss_file, author_name, site_name, site_url)
+ rss = RSS::Maker.make("atom") do |maker|
+ maker.channel.author = author_name
+ maker.channel.updated = Time.now.to_s
+ maker.channel.about = site_name
+ maker.channel.title = "#{site_name} RSS Feed"
+ posts.each do |post|
+ maker.items.new_item do |item|
+ item.link = "#{site_url}/#{post[:link]}"
+ item.title = post[:title]
+ item.updated = post[:date].to_s
+ item.content.type = 'html'
+ item.content.content = post[:content]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ File.write(rss_file, rss)
+# Process header, posts, pages, etc.
+header_content = File.read(header_file)
+posts = process_markdown_files(posts_dir, posts_output_dir, header_content, footer_content).sort_by { |post| -post[:date].to_time.to_i }
+pages = process_markdown_files(pages_dir, pages_output_dir, header_content, footer_content)
+generate_index(posts, header_content, footer_content, root_index_file, output_dir, posts_dir)
+FileUtils.cp_r(public_dir, output_dir)
+generate_rss(posts, rss_file, author_name, site_name, site_url)
+puts "Blog built successfully in '#{output_dir}' folder. Have a great day!"