

static site git generator based heavily off the amazing gituwa (https://git.mcksp.com/gituwa/) by mcksp.

It lets you browse file tree, display file content, and also prepare nice repo main page with file tree, photo of your project and README.

work in progress :)


With ssgit, all icons are included as base64 elements. I have also removed the need for image screenshots (plan to revisit this option later).

Some different styling has been applied as well, by removing absolute CSS link paths.


This fork is specifically built to run on NearlyFreeSpeech.

First, you will need to request that libgit2 be installed on your realm. Also be sure to edit your domain and proper links inside the core ssgit.c file.

Then you simply run: $ make


You should create a .bashrc file and setup and alias for gituwa (be sure to source your .bashrc after), like so:

alias ssgit="/home/protected/ssgit"

Then you have the ability to use gituwa directly:

$ ssgit [repo_path] [output_path] [repository_description]

where repo_path can be a path to bare repository, and repository description is a short text that will be displayed next to name of the repository.

To update files automatically on git push I recommend updating post-receive hook of repositories to include call of ssgit.