path: root/_sass/minima/skins/solarized.scss
diff options
authorBradley Taunt <brad@serpapi.com>2024-06-13 14:57:38 -0400
committerBradley Taunt <brad@serpapi.com>2024-06-13 14:57:38 -0400
commit26c7db12364e8eba08e2f8e85bb534ed735a0be8 (patch)
tree0e1d2f6e2456ca2266993eef72881057ee5b3dd9 /_sass/minima/skins/solarized.scss
parenta134c38317e808d6535af990cc505dab1bc7bbfe (diff)
Major overhaul and cleanups
Diffstat (limited to '_sass/minima/skins/solarized.scss')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/_sass/minima/skins/solarized.scss b/_sass/minima/skins/solarized.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ac1f5a..0000000
--- a/_sass/minima/skins/solarized.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-@charset "utf-8";
-// Solarized skin
-// ==============
-// Created by Sander Voerman <mailto:sander@savoerman.nl> using the Solarized
-// color scheme by Ethan Schoonover <https://ethanschoonover.com/solarized>.
-// This style sheet implements three options for the minima.skin setting:
-// "solarized-light" for light mode, "solarized-dark" for dark mode, and
-// "solarized" for light or dark mode depending on user preference.
-$sol-is-auto: true !default;
-$sol-is-dark: false !default;
-// Color scheme
-// ------------
-// The inline comments show the canonical L*a*b values for each color.
-$sol-base03: #002b36; // 15 -12 -12
-$sol-base02: #073642; // 20 -12 -12
-$sol-base01: #586e75; // 45 -07 -07
-$sol-base00: #657b83; // 50 -07 -07
-$sol-base0: #839496; // 60 -06 -03
-$sol-base1: #93a1a1; // 65 -05 -02
-$sol-base2: #eee8d5; // 92 -00 10
-$sol-base3: #fdf6e3; // 97 00 10
-$sol-yellow: #b58900; // 60 10 65
-$sol-orange: #cb4b16; // 50 50 55
-$sol-red: #dc322f; // 50 65 45
-$sol-magenta: #d33682; // 50 65 -05
-$sol-violet: #6c71c4; // 50 15 -45
-$sol-blue: #268bd2; // 55 -10 -45
-$sol-cyan: #2aa198; // 60 -35 -05
-$sol-green: #859900; // 60 -20 65
-// Mixed colors
-// ------------
-// While not part of the original Solarized base tones, these derived tones
-// are meant to replicate the visual style of the classic skin. They should
-// not be used in cases where sufficiently contrasting colors are needed.
-$sol-light-mix1: mix($sol-base1, $sol-base3);
-$sol-light-mix2: mix($sol-blue, $sol-base00);
-$sol-light-mix3: mix($sol-base2, $sol-base3);
-$sol-dark-mix1: mix($sol-base01, $sol-base03);
-$sol-dark-mix2: mix($sol-blue, $sol-base0);
-$sol-dark-mix3: mix($sol-base02, $sol-base03);
-// Mode selection
-// --------------
-$sol-mono3: $sol-base3;
-$sol-mono2: $sol-base2;
-$sol-mono1: $sol-base1;
-$sol-mono00: $sol-base00;
-$sol-mono01: $sol-base01;
-$sol-mix1: $sol-light-mix1;
-$sol-mix2: $sol-light-mix2;
-$sol-mix3: $sol-light-mix3;
-@if $sol-is-dark {
- $sol-mono3: $sol-base03;
- $sol-mono2: $sol-base02;
- $sol-mono1: $sol-base01;
- $sol-mono00: $sol-base0;
- $sol-mono01: $sol-base1;
- $sol-mix1: $sol-dark-mix1;
- $sol-mix2: $sol-dark-mix2;
- $sol-mix3: $sol-dark-mix3;
-@if $sol-is-auto {
- :root {
- --solarized-mono3: #{$sol-base3};
- --solarized-mono2: #{$sol-base2};
- --solarized-mono1: #{$sol-base1};
- --solarized-mono00: #{$sol-base00};
- --solarized-mono01: #{$sol-base01};
- --solarized-mix1: #{$sol-light-mix1};
- --solarized-mix2: #{$sol-light-mix2};
- --solarized-mix3: #{$sol-light-mix3};
- }
- @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
- :root {
- --solarized-mono3: #{$sol-base03};
- --solarized-mono2: #{$sol-base02};
- --solarized-mono1: #{$sol-base01};
- --solarized-mono00: #{$sol-base0};
- --solarized-mono01: #{$sol-base1};
- --solarized-mix1: #{$sol-dark-mix1};
- --solarized-mix2: #{$sol-dark-mix2};
- --solarized-mix3: #{$sol-dark-mix3};
- }
- }
- $sol-mono3: var(--solarized-mono3);
- $sol-mono2: var(--solarized-mono2);
- $sol-mono1: var(--solarized-mono1);
- $sol-mono00: var(--solarized-mono00);
- $sol-mono01: var(--solarized-mono01);
- $sol-mix1: var(--solarized-mix1);
- $sol-mix2: var(--solarized-mix2);
- $sol-mix3: var(--solarized-mix3);
-// Minima color variables
-// ----------------------
-$brand-color: $sol-mono1 !default;
-$brand-color-light: $sol-mix1 !default;
-$brand-color-dark: $sol-mono00 !default;
-$site-title-color: $sol-mono00 !default;
-$text-color: $sol-mono01 !default;
-$background-color: $sol-mono3 !default;
-$code-background-color: $sol-mono2 !default;
-$link-base-color: $sol-blue !default;
-$link-visited-color: $sol-mix2 !default;
-$link-hover-color: $sol-mono00 !default;
-$border-color-01: $brand-color-light !default;
-$border-color-02: $sol-mono1 !default;
-$border-color-03: $sol-mono00 !default;
-$table-text-color: $sol-mono00 !default;
-$table-zebra-color: $sol-mix3 !default;
-$table-header-bg-color: $sol-mono2 !default;
-$table-header-border: $sol-mono1 !default;
-$table-border-color: $sol-mono1 !default;
-// Syntax highlighting styles
-// --------------------------
-.highlight {
- .c { color: $sol-mono1; font-style: italic } // Comment
- .err { color: $sol-red } // Error
- .k { color: $sol-mono01; font-weight: bold } // Keyword
- .o { color: $sol-mono01; font-weight: bold } // Operator
- .cm { color: $sol-mono1; font-style: italic } // Comment.Multiline
- .cp { color: $sol-mono1; font-weight: bold } // Comment.Preproc
- .c1 { color: $sol-mono1; font-style: italic } // Comment.Single
- .cs { color: $sol-mono1; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic } // Comment.Special
- .gd { color: $sol-red } // Generic.Deleted
- .gd .x { color: $sol-red } // Generic.Deleted.Specific
- .ge { color: $sol-mono00; font-style: italic } // Generic.Emph
- .gr { color: $sol-red } // Generic.Error
- .gh { color: $sol-mono1 } // Generic.Heading
- .gi { color: $sol-green } // Generic.Inserted
- .gi .x { color: $sol-green } // Generic.Inserted.Specific
- .go { color: $sol-mono00 } // Generic.Output
- .gp { color: $sol-mono00 } // Generic.Prompt
- .gs { color: $sol-mono01; font-weight: bold } // Generic.Strong
- .gu { color: $sol-mono1 } // Generic.Subheading
- .gt { color: $sol-red } // Generic.Traceback
- .kc { color: $sol-mono01; font-weight: bold } // Keyword.Constant
- .kd { color: $sol-mono01; font-weight: bold } // Keyword.Declaration
- .kp { color: $sol-mono01; font-weight: bold } // Keyword.Pseudo
- .kr { color: $sol-mono01; font-weight: bold } // Keyword.Reserved
- .kt { color: $sol-violet; font-weight: bold } // Keyword.Type
- .m { color: $sol-cyan } // Literal.Number
- .s { color: $sol-magenta } // Literal.String
- .na { color: $sol-cyan } // Name.Attribute
- .nb { color: $sol-blue } // Name.Builtin
- .nc { color: $sol-violet; font-weight: bold } // Name.Class
- .no { color: $sol-cyan } // Name.Constant
- .ni { color: $sol-violet } // Name.Entity
- .ne { color: $sol-violet; font-weight: bold } // Name.Exception
- .nf { color: $sol-blue; font-weight: bold } // Name.Function
- .nn { color: $sol-mono00 } // Name.Namespace
- .nt { color: $sol-blue } // Name.Tag
- .nv { color: $sol-cyan } // Name.Variable
- .ow { color: $sol-mono01; font-weight: bold } // Operator.Word
- .w { color: $sol-mono1 } // Text.Whitespace
- .mf { color: $sol-cyan } // Literal.Number.Float
- .mh { color: $sol-cyan } // Literal.Number.Hex
- .mi { color: $sol-cyan } // Literal.Number.Integer
- .mo { color: $sol-cyan } // Literal.Number.Oct
- .sb { color: $sol-magenta } // Literal.String.Backtick
- .sc { color: $sol-magenta } // Literal.String.Char
- .sd { color: $sol-magenta } // Literal.String.Doc
- .s2 { color: $sol-magenta } // Literal.String.Double
- .se { color: $sol-magenta } // Literal.String.Escape
- .sh { color: $sol-magenta } // Literal.String.Heredoc
- .si { color: $sol-magenta } // Literal.String.Interpol
- .sx { color: $sol-magenta } // Literal.String.Other
- .sr { color: $sol-green } // Literal.String.Regex
- .s1 { color: $sol-magenta } // Literal.String.Single
- .ss { color: $sol-magenta } // Literal.String.Symbol
- .bp { color: $sol-mono1 } // Name.Builtin.Pseudo
- .vc { color: $sol-cyan } // Name.Variable.Class
- .vg { color: $sol-cyan } // Name.Variable.Global
- .vi { color: $sol-cyan } // Name.Variable.Instance
- .il { color: $sol-cyan } // Literal.Number.Integer.Long