diff options
authorBradley Taunt <bt@btxx.org>2024-06-05 16:28:46 -0400
committerBradley Taunt <bt@btxx.org>2024-06-05 16:28:46 -0400
commita134c38317e808d6535af990cc505dab1bc7bbfe (patch)
parentc430a8b3880b3c303c9254b964671151a4617376 (diff)
Content syncing with live site
5 files changed, 405 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
index 0f8fee6..8b530ec 100644
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ minima:
- { platform: rss, user_url: "/feed.xml" }
- { platform: mastodon, user_url: "https://mastodon.bsd.cafe/@bt" }
- - { platform: sourcehut, user_url: "https://sr.ht/~bt/" }
- - { platform: git, user_url: "https://git.btxx.org" }
+ - { platform: git, user_url: "https://git.disroot.org/bt" }
# Build settings
diff --git a/_posts/2024-05-27-Installing_WordPress_on_NearlyFreeSpeech.md b/_posts/2024-05-27-Installing_WordPress_on_NearlyFreeSpeech.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..716a3c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2024-05-27-Installing_WordPress_on_NearlyFreeSpeech.md
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+layout: post
+title: Installing WordPress on NearlyFreeSpeech
+permalink: /posts/Installing_WordPress_on_NearlyFreeSpeech/
+I recently went through the process of porting over my wife's small business website (built off of WordPress + Woocommerce) from EasyWP to NearlyFreeSpeech. Although the process was fairly easy-going, I thought I would post my complete process here. That way, others who might wish to make the same switch can avoid running into any minor bumps along the way.
+> Some of this information has been lifted from [the official NFS docs](https://members.nearlyfreespeech.net/tdarb/support/wordpress), but these pages require a membership to access
+### Download WordPress
+We will use the `wp-cli` that comes packaged with NearlyFreeSpeech (NFS):
+1. Connect to your site via SSH.
+2. Change to the directory you want to be the base of your blog (e.g. /home/public if WordPress will be running the whole site, or /home/public/blog if you want to share the site with other content).
+For help using WP-CLI from the SSH command line, use this command:
+ wp help
+To download and unpack the latest version of WordPress, enter the following command:
+ wp core download
+## Create a MySQL Process and Database
+Follow the instructions in the NearlyFreeSpeech.NET FAQ to [create a MySQL process](https://members.nearlyfreespeech.net/faq?q=MySQL#MySQL) if you haven't already.
+Next, [create a new database](https://members.nearlyfreespeech.net/faq?q=CreateDatabase#CreateDatabase) within that process. Note the name of the process and the name of the database.
+**Important**: Do not use your own MySQL credentials to connect WordPress to your database. Instead, create a new user. This will protect your member password in the event that your site becomes compromised.
+- Click on the [MySQL tab](https://members.nearlyfreespeech.net/mysql) in the member interface
+- Click "[Open phpMyAdmin](https://phpmyadmin.nearlyfreespeech.net/" in the Actions box.
+- Enter the DSN ("Server") of your MySQL Process, MySQL username, and MySQL password. The DSN and username can be found on the Process Information page in our member UI.
+- Click on the "Users" tab.
+- Click "Add user." (It's toward the bottom left of the page.)
+- Give the user a descriptive name. We'll use exampledbuser here, but you should pick something better, like wpuser or something representative of your blog.
+- Make sure to leave the Host: selectbox on "Any host."
+- Click the "Generate" link to generate a nice strong password.
+- Use cut and paste to copy the new password somewhere, you'll need it later. (We'll use dbpassword here.)
+- Grant the following permissions to the new user:
+ - All the permissions except "file" in the "data" box,
+ - Everything in the "structure" box, and
+ - "LOCK TABLES" in the "administration" box.
+- Click the "Go" button in the lower right.
+- Exit phpMyAdmin.
+## Generate a WordPress Configuration File
+At the SSH command line (replace the examples with the info for the database and user you created above):
+ wp core config --dbhost=example.db --dbname=exampledb --dbuser=exampledbuser --dbpass=dbpassword
+ chmod 644 wp-config.php
+## Run the WordPress Installation and Setting Permissions
+To get your permalinks to work properly, you must set up an .htaccess file.
+1. Go to the Dashboard for your WordPress site. (e.g. https://www.example.com/wp-admin/index.php)
+2. In the navigation sidebar, find Settings and, under that, Permalinks.
+3. Select your preferred link style under "Common Settings." (We like "Day and name.")
+4. Scroll down and select the "Save Changes" button.
+Next, create an `.htaccess` file for your WordPress site. We suggest doing this directly from the SSH command line using the cat shell command:
+ cat >.htaccess <<NFSNRULES # This line is a shell command, not part of .htaccess!
+ RewriteEngine On
+ RewriteBase /
+ RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
+ RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
+If you prefer, you can copy-paste the text into an editor:
+ RewriteEngine On
+ RewriteBase /
+ RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
+ RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
+We need to run the following commands in order to install, uninstall, activate, and deactivate plugins/themes from within the admin web GUI of WordPress:
+ chgrp web .htaccess
+ chmod 664 .htaccess
+ chgrp -R web *
+ find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
+ find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
+ wp config set FS_METHOD direct
+## Enable File Uploading
+In your main WordPress installation folder enter the following SSH commands:
+ cd wp-content
+ mkdir -p uploads
+ chgrp -R web uploads
+ chmod -R 775 uploads
+## Keeping WordPress Up-To-Date Automatically via Command Line
+It is **critically** important to keep your WordPress installation up-to-date including, if applicable, your theme and plugins. PHP, WordPress, and WordPress themes and plugins all have a track record of security problems. Most of those get fixed quickly, but if you don't update, you don't get the fixes.
+To help you keep WordPress up-to-date, NFS provides a streamlined script.
+This command, which must be run from an interactive ssh session, will set up our system to check your WordPress install (and themes & plugins) for you every day, and update them automatically when needed:
+ wp-update.sh -a
+By default, it will tell you via email when updates happen. If you don't want that, just add `-q` (for "quiet") to the command. It will work silently unless there is an error.
+If you get errors from wp-cron (not wp-update) about failed automatic updates, you may also wish to add this to your wp-config.php file:
+This disables the insecure automatic updater bundled with recent versions of WordPress.
+**Do not attempt** to use WordPress's built-in ability to update itself through its admin panel. That insecure, outdated approach should not still exist. It does not work on NFS, which is a feature, not a bug. Getting it to work requires almost completely destroying your site's security, thereby ensuring that any undiscovered security flaw can enable hackers to completely obliterate your site. The update methods described here are faster, easier, and safer.
+## Logging In
+You should be able to navigate to `yourwebsite.com/wp-admin`, login and have everything work as expected. Congrats - enjoy your blog!
+Below you can find more advanced configuration to get the most out of your WordPress project.
+## Backing up WordPress
+NFS recommends backing up your WordPress setup on a regular basis.
+This is a two-step process. You must back up both the files and the database.
+### Backing up WordPress Files
+To back up your WordPress files directly from a Unix-like system of your own, you can use a command like:
+ ssh yourmembername_siteshortname@ssh.phx.nearlyfreespeech.net tar -C /home/public -cvf - . | gzip >name-of-wordpress-backup.tar.gz
+To back up WordPress to a file on our system that you can transfer via SFTP to your own computer, you can use a command like:
+ tar -C /home/public -cvzf /home/tmp/name-of-wordpress-backup.tar.gz .
+This assumes that your WordPress install is in the default location (`/home/public`). It will put your backup file in your `/home/tmp` directory.
+Do not try to back up your WordPress folder into your WordPress folder, as that occasionally results in attempts to use infinite disk space by trying to back up the backup of the backup of the backup of the...
+### Backing up the WordPress Database
+If you have a Unix-like system of your own (e.g. macOS or Linux), you can do the backup directly from there using your local command prompt using the MySQL username and password you created for WordPress:
+ ssh yourmembername_siteshortname@ssh.phx.nearlyfreespeech.net wp db export - | gzip >wordpress-backup.sql.gz
+Or you can do it from the SSH command line via WP-CLI:
+ wp db export /home/tmp/wordpress-backup.sql
+The `wordpress-backup.sql` file this generates will be stored in your site's `/home/tmp` directory. Download it from there to have a local copy.
+## That's It!
+Your WordPress site should be up-and-running now. Further customization or extra plugins/services can be freely added if so desired. Enjoy your site!
diff --git a/_posts/2024-06-02-Building_rbenv_on_OpenBSD_7.5.md b/_posts/2024-06-02-Building_rbenv_on_OpenBSD_7.5.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08774af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2024-06-02-Building_rbenv_on_OpenBSD_7.5.md
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+layout: post
+title: Building rbenv on OpenBSD 7.5
+permalink: /posts/Building_rbenv_on_OpenBSD_7.5/
+I use Ruby (specifically with Jekyll) for a lot of my clubs/projects while using my personal laptop ([X220 ThinkPad](/posts/x220/)) which is runs OpenBSD. Since I recently upgraded to OpenBSD 7.5 I thought it could be helpful for others if I shared my process of building and using `rbenv` to install different Ruby versions.
+## Before We Build
+First, be sure to install the required packages in order to build from source, and then clone the core `rbenv` repo:
+ pkg_add git gcc gmake libffi libyaml openssl
+ git clone https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv
+## Building `rbenv`
+Add `rbenv` to your PATH and initialize it (place this inside your `.bashrc` or `.zshrc` etc):
+ export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"
+ export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/shims:$PATH"
+ export RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-openssl-dir=/usr/local"
+ eval "$(rbenv init -)"
+Then reload your shell (zsh in this example):
+ source ~/.zshrc
+Next we will need to install `ruby-build` as a `rbenv` plugin. Clone the ruby-build repository into the rbenv plugins directory:
+ git clone https://github.com/rbenv/ruby-build.git ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
+## Installing Ruby and Setting Our Version
+Now use `rbenv` to install the desired version of Ruby (we will get an older version for this example):
+ rbenv install 3.3.0
+If you run into issues, you may need to specify your openssl directory:
+ RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-openssl-dir=/usr/local" rbenv install 3.3.0
+If you're on a slower machine (like mine) this might take a little bit. Just grab a coffee or a snack while you wait!
+Then navigate to your project of choice and set the `local` Ruby version:
+ rbenv local 3.3.0
+That's it! If you'd prefer to set this version of Ruby for all projects going forward, simply replace `local` with `global`.
diff --git a/wiki/wordpress_NearlyFreeSpeech_Setup.md b/wiki/wordpress_NearlyFreeSpeech_Setup.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4957726
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wiki/wordpress_NearlyFreeSpeech_Setup.md
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+layout: page
+title: WordPress Setup on NearlyFreeSpeech
+permalink: /wiki/wordpress/NearlyFreeSpeech_Setup/
+## Installing WordPress on NearlyFreeSpeech
+### Download WordPress
+We will use the `wp-cli` that comes packaged with NearlyFreeSpeech (NFS):
+1. Connect to your site via SSH.
+2. Change to the directory you want to be the base of your blog (e.g. /home/public if WordPress will be running the whole site, or /home/public/blog if you want to share the site with other content).
+For help using WP-CLI from the SSH command line, use this command:
+ wp help
+To download and unpack the latest version of WordPress, enter the following command:
+ wp core download
+## Create a MySQL Process and Database
+Follow the instructions in the NearlyFreeSpeech.NET FAQ to [create a MySQL process](https://members.nearlyfreespeech.net/faq?q=MySQL#MySQL) if you haven't already.
+Next, [create a new database](https://members.nearlyfreespeech.net/faq?q=CreateDatabase#CreateDatabase) within that process. Note the name of the process and the name of the database.
+**Important**: Do not use your own MySQL credentials to connect WordPress to your database. Instead, create a new user. This will protect your member password in the event that your site becomes compromised.
+- Click on the [MySQL tab](https://members.nearlyfreespeech.net/mysql) in the member interface
+- Click "[Open phpMyAdmin](https://phpmyadmin.nearlyfreespeech.net/" in the Actions box.
+- Enter the DSN ("Server") of your MySQL Process, MySQL username, and MySQL password. The DSN and username can be found on the Process Information page in our member UI.
+- Click on the "Users" tab.
+- Click "Add user." (It's toward the bottom left of the page.)
+- Give the user a descriptive name. We'll use exampledbuser here, but you should pick something better, like wpuser or something representative of your blog.
+- Make sure to leave the Host: selectbox on "Any host."
+- Click the "Generate" link to generate a nice strong password.
+- Use cut and paste to copy the new password somewhere, you'll need it later. (We'll use dbpassword here.)
+- Grant the following permissions to the new user:
+ - All the permissions except "file" in the "data" box,
+ - Everything in the "structure" box, and
+ - "LOCK TABLES" in the "administration" box.
+- Click the "Go" button in the lower right.
+- Exit phpMyAdmin.
+## Generate a WordPress Configuration File
+At the SSH command line (replace the examples with the info for the database and user you created above):
+ wp core config --dbhost=example.db --dbname=exampledb --dbuser=exampledbuser --dbpass=dbpassword
+ chmod 644 wp-config.php
+## Run the WordPress Installation and Setting Permissions
+To get your permalinks to work properly, you must set up an .htaccess file.
+1. Go to the Dashboard for your WordPress site. (e.g. https://www.example.com/wp-admin/index.php)
+2. In the navigation sidebar, find Settings and, under that, Permalinks.
+3. Select your preferred link style under "Common Settings." (We like "Day and name.")
+4. Scroll down and select the "Save Changes" button.
+Next, create an `.htaccess` file for your WordPress site. We suggest doing this directly from the SSH command line using the cat shell command:
+ cat >.htaccess <<NFSNRULES # This line is a shell command, not part of .htaccess!
+ RewriteEngine On
+ RewriteBase /
+ RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
+ RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
+If you prefer, you can copy-paste the text into an editor:
+ RewriteEngine On
+ RewriteBase /
+ RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
+ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
+ RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
+We need to run the following commands in order to install, uninstall, activate, and deactivate plugins/themes from within the admin web GUI of WordPress:
+ chgrp web .htaccess
+ chmod 664 .htaccess
+ chgrp -R web *
+ find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
+ find . -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
+ wp config set FS_METHOD direct
+## Enable File Uploading
+In your main WordPress installation folder enter the following SSH commands:
+ cd wp-content
+ mkdir -p uploads
+ chgrp -R web uploads
+ chmod -R 775 uploads
+## Keeping WordPress Up-To-Date Automatically via Command Line
+It is **critically** important to keep your WordPress installation up-to-date including, if applicable, your theme and plugins. PHP, WordPress, and WordPress themes and plugins all have a track record of security problems. Most of those get fixed quickly, but if you don't update, you don't get the fixes.
+To help you keep WordPress up-to-date, NFS provides a streamlined script.
+This command, which must be run from an interactive ssh session, will set up our system to check your WordPress install (and themes & plugins) for you every day, and update them automatically when needed:
+ wp-update.sh -a
+By default, it will tell you via email when updates happen. If you don't want that, just add `-q` (for "quiet") to the command. It will work silently unless there is an error.
+If you get errors from wp-cron (not wp-update) about failed automatic updates, you may also wish to add this to your wp-config.php file:
+This disables the insecure automatic updater bundled with recent versions of WordPress.
+**Do not attempt** to use WordPress's built-in ability to update itself through its admin panel. That insecure, outdated approach should not still exist. It does not work on NFS, which is a feature, not a bug. Getting it to work requires almost completely destroying your site's security, thereby ensuring that any undiscovered security flaw can enable hackers to completely obliterate your site. The update methods described here are faster, easier, and safer.
+## Logging In
+You should be able to navigate to `yourwebsite.com/wp-admin`, login and have everything work as expected. Congrats - enjoy your blog!
+Below you can find more advanced configuration to get the most out of your WordPress project.
+## Backing up WordPress
+NFS recommends backing up your WordPress setup on a regular basis.
+This is a two-step process. You must back up both the files and the database.
+### Backing up WordPress Files
+To back up your WordPress files directly from a Unix-like system of your own, you can use a command like:
+ ssh yourmembername_siteshortname@ssh.phx.nearlyfreespeech.net tar -C /home/public -cvf - . | gzip >name-of-wordpress-backup.tar.gz
+To back up WordPress to a file on our system that you can transfer via SFTP to your own computer, you can use a command like:
+ tar -C /home/public -cvzf /home/tmp/name-of-wordpress-backup.tar.gz .
+This assumes that your WordPress install is in the default location (`/home/public`). It will put your backup file in your `/home/tmp` directory.
+Do not try to back up your WordPress folder into your WordPress folder, as that occasionally results in attempts to use infinite disk space by trying to back up the backup of the backup of the backup of the...
+### Backing up the WordPress Database
+If you have a Unix-like system of your own (e.g. macOS or Linux), you can do the backup directly from there using your local command prompt using the MySQL username and password you created for WordPress:
+ ssh yourmembername_siteshortname@ssh.phx.nearlyfreespeech.net wp db export - | gzip >wordpress-backup.sql.gz
+Or you can do it from the SSH command line via WP-CLI:
+ wp db export /home/tmp/wordpress-backup.sql
+The `wordpress-backup.sql` file this generates will be stored in your site's `/home/tmp` directory. Download it from there to have a local copy.
diff --git a/wiki/wordpress_database_update.md b/wiki/wordpress_database_update.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c015c3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wiki/wordpress_database_update.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+layout: page
+title: WordPress Database Update
+permalink: /wiki/wordpress/database_update/
+The following page contains a collection of scripts to update WordPress for numerous things.
+## Updating the URL of the Database
+ -- Replace in wp_options table
+ UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = REPLACE(option_value, 'example.com', 'example2.com') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl';
+ -- Replace in wp_posts table
+ UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE(post_content, 'example.com', 'example2.com');
+ UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = REPLACE(guid, 'example.com', 'example2.com');
+ -- Replace in wp_postmeta table
+ UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = REPLACE(meta_value, 'example.com', 'example2.com');
+ -- Replace in wp_usermeta table
+ UPDATE wp_usermeta SET meta_value = REPLACE(meta_value, 'example.com', 'example2.com');
+ -- Replace in wp_users table
+ UPDATE wp_users SET user_url = REPLACE(user_url, 'example.com', 'example2.com');