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diff --git a/posts/My_Text_Editor_Is_Not_Open_Source.md b/posts/My_Text_Editor_Is_Not_Open_Source.md
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+# My Text Edtior is Not Open Source
+I've been using Sublime Text on and off for longer than I can remember. I think Sublime has been around since the start of my "real" career over 10 years ago, but I could be mistaken[^1]. It certainly *feels* that long. And in that time I have never gotten upset with Sublime. I've never rage quit or ran into an issue of Sublime not being able to *do the thing I wanted it to do*. As much of a cliche it may sound: it just works.
+Even when I switch editors (VSCode, Geany, kitty+vim etc.) for a period of time, I find myself always coming back to Sublime. The only reason I try other editors is simply that: to try them. Maybe that's why these editors don't click with me. Maybe I'm giving Sublime an unfair advantage since I'm simply "testing" other editors, rather than looking for a solid alternative.
+And don't get me wrong, I understand *why* editors like VSCode are extremely popular. VSCode has a massive ecosystem and new plugins are generally developed for that editor before all others. Finding solutions to problems online is very easy, since it is so popular. But best of all - it's open source[^2].
+So why am I using a *non*-open source editor? (Spoilers: because it's a great editor)
+## "A Proprietary Editor - How Could You?!"
+I know, I know. If you're familiar with me or the things I write about it must seem odd that I would willingly use proprietary software over open source. This is something I struggle with constantly day-to-day in the realm of "personal tech". I find with age I become more open-minded to having a diverse range of software and hardware choices. Open source is best in *concept* but not always best in practice.
+The problem is that Sublime is just such a *great* editor. I can't ignore quality and refuse to use good software solely based on it's licensing. A few personal things I love about Sublime:
+- Incredibly fast
+- Handles massive files without breaking a sweat
+- Minimal resource footprint (ex. uses <0.1% CPU working on huge projects)
+- Large ecosystem of plugins/themes
+- No Electron
+Other editors can certainly check off a few of those boxes as well, but you'd be hard-pressed to find one that checks off them all.
+## Being a Cheapskate
+I must confess something that I think most Sublime users are guilty of: I've never [bought a license](https://www.sublimehq.com/store/text). I've installed and used Sublime on countless machines, on multiple operating systems from Linux to Windows to MacOS. That `Unregistered` text in the top right application bar has been with me since the beginning. But that in no longer the case.
+**I finally purchased a license.** I bundled it with [Sublime Merge](https://www.sublimemerge.com/), so it ended up costing me $168 USD. When I initially looked at that price tag I must admit I was tempted to close the browser tab and forget the whole thing. But then I realized I have been using this editor *free of charge* for over 10 years. (Not to mention using Sublime Merge for quite some time as well!)
+So I did a little math:
+ $168 / 10 years = $16.80
+Looking at it in that perspective, it's actually a great deal. Not to mention they have very respectable terms for their licenses:
+> Personal licenses come with 3 years of updates. After 3 years, you'll be able to continue to use the last version released within 3 years of purchase (in other words, licenses do not expire). Any versions released 3 years or more after the purchase date will require a paid upgrade to use.
+> Individual licenses are valid for 3 years of updates, but do not expire after 3 years. Only if you wish to use newer versions will an upgrade fee be required.
+> Licenses are per-user, so you're welcome to use the one license on all computers and operating systems where you are the primary user.
+I won't copy everything from their main [FAQ page](https://www.sublimehq.com/sales_faq) but as you can see it is very reasonable. I also get to feel decent for supporting developers who make very good software.
+## Final Notes
+This post is not meant to convince you to switch or anything of that nature. Use what works for you! I just wanted to share my own personal preference when it came to my main text editor. Maybe this will also convince "hardcore" open source people (like me!) to realize it is *okay* to pay for software sometimes...
+I should be very clear about something: this post *is not an advertisement*. I have not received any money or "kick backs" to write about my happy times with Sublime. This is purely my own opinion that I wanted to share with the internet!
+BTW if anyone from SublimeHQ happens to come across this post: PLEASE look into building a "native" version of Sublime Text for FreeBSD/OpenBSD. I (and many others) would be forever grateful!
+[^1]: Sublime does mention copyright since 2006...
+[^2]: Not the pre-packaged Microsoft version
diff --git a/posts/Switching_Things_Over_to_ikiwiki.md b/posts/Switching_Things_Over_to_ikiwiki.md
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+# Switching Things Over to ikiwiki
+I've done it again. My personal website is no longer generated with [barf](https://barf.btxx.org) but is instead built on top of ikiwiki. The old RSS feed ([btxx.org/atom.xml](https://btxx.org/atom.xml)) still exists but will no longer receive updates. The new feed can be found on the bottom of the homepage ([index.rss](/index.rss))
+## Why a Wiki?
+I love the simplicity of a minimal blog, which is why I always gravitated towards purely "static" site builders. Over time though, I found two minor issues that slowly chipped away at me: ease-of-use and flexibility.
+I had a vision, back when I began tinkering with my own place on the web, of building out my own personal "resource center" or wiki. Often times through work or personal projects I stumble into little problems that I need to solve. Most times I find a solution and move on with my life. The problem with this approach is *lack of documentation*.
+What if I come across that issue at a later point in time? Will I even remember my old solution? Probably not. So, I've made the switch to a more flexible, personal wiki (which also happens to be a blog!)
+## Text Editors, Terminals, and Web UI - Oh My!
+ikiwiki comes packed with multiple ways to publish pages and posts. Since it is built with ikiwiki and git version control in mind, you have the ability to push out changes directly to your server similar to that of pre-existing static site generators. It also gives you the choice to `ssh` directly into your server and publish content from your terminal if you so desire.
+Best of all, ikiwiki offers a web UI interface. This is something I have long missed since leaving "dynamic" websites behind.
+## But Wait, There's More!
+Did I mention that this site now supports a built-in search form *and* a comment system? I've been wanting comments or discussions directly on my personal web space for the longest time and now I do! The search function is really an added bonus, mostly for my own personal use to find something I documented quickly.
+## Broken Links and Bugs
+I've done my best to properly forward all original posts and pages to their new URLs - but I'm sure some things will be overlooked. So please feel free to reach out and let me know if anything seems broken.
+I look forward to growing out this "platform" and seeing how it impacts my workflow writing documentation / blog posts. I hope you'll come along for the ride!