path: root/build/load-image-on-click
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diff --git a/build/load-image-on-click/index.html b/build/load-image-on-click/index.html
index 2dae12c..95211bc 100644
--- a/build/load-image-on-click/index.html
+++ b/build/load-image-on-click/index.html
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<title>Click to Load Website Images</title>
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-<style>*{box-sizing:border-box;}body{font-family:sans-serif;line-height:1.33;margin:0 auto;max-width:650px;padding:1rem;}img{max-width:100%;}pre{border:1px solid;overflow:auto;padding:5px;}table{text-align:left;width:100%;}.footnotes{font-size:90%;}</style>
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<h1 id="click-to-load-website-images">Click to Load Website Images</h1>
<p>In my previous post about <a href="https://uglyduck.ca/#2021-03-22-89-posts-one-file">switching my Jekyll blog over to PHPetite</a>, I briefly mentioned how I only loaded in article images if the user <em>clicked or tapped</em> the empty file element.</p>
<p>In this post, I&#8217;m going to quickly breakdown the update I&#8217;ve done to my blog&#8217;s images since then and how you can easily implement the same thing in your own project.</p>
<h2 id="update">Update</h2>
<p>As pointed out by Gabriel <a href="https://github.com/bradleytaunt/phpetite/issues/1">in this Github issue</a>, this concept breaks things slightly for RSS users. Since then, I have just set the default images on this blog to <code>display: none</code> and render them as <code>block</code> elements when their specific <code>section</code> is loaded into the DOM visibly.</p>
<p>The example below is remaining the same as it was, to still provide context for this post.</p>
<h2 id="live-demo">Live Demo</h2>
<p>Before we jump head first into the details, let&#8217;s take a look at what we will be creating:</p>
<p>Pretty neat, eh? Well let&#8217;s get into the nitty gritty.</p>
<h2 id="the-code">The Code</h2>
<p>Personally, I place everything into a <code>figure</code> element to keep things contained and clean - but this isn&#8217;t required by any means. We then include our <code>img</code> and <code>figcaption</code> elements. That&#8217;s it.</p>
&#60;img src="&#47;placeholder-image.webp" onclick="this.src=&#39;https:&#47;&#47;res.cloudinary.com&#47;bradtaunt&#47;image&#47;fetch&#47;q_auto:low&#47;v1570124593&#47;https:&#47;&#47;uglyduck.ca&#47;public&#47;images&#47;aqua-ui-css-buttons.webp&#39;" alt="Aqua UI buttons"&#62;
&#60;figcaption&#62;&#60;b&#62;Click the placeholder to load in the real image&#60;&#47;b&#62;&#60;br&#62;
@@ -47,23 +36,14 @@
<h3 id="the-image-element">The Image Element</h3>
<p>This is where the <em>magic</em> happens. By default all images will target the default placeholder image: <code>placeholder-image.webp</code>. This image is just 16KB in size and only needs to load in once.</p>
<p>Next we include an inline <code>onclick</code> attribute, which targets the current image&#8217;s <code>src</code> attribute and changes it based on the URL provided. (Note: I use Cloudinary for my blog&#8217;s image storage, but you could even host your images relative to your root directory if you wanted)</p>
<p>Now when a user clicks on the placeholder image, the inline <code>onclick</code> pulls in the correct image in it&#8217;s place.</p>
<h3 id="disabled-javascript">Disabled JavaScript</h3>
<p>For users who have JavaScript blocked or disabled we have a decent backup. By including a direct link to the image URL in the <code>figcaption</code> element, we give the user the ability to still view the image in a separate browser tab.</p>
<p>You could get extra fancy and include some <code>noscript</code> tags in your project that maybe render a different placeholder image mentioning they have JavaScript disabled etc, but for my needs that would be overkill.</p>
<h2 id="cool---but-why-do-this">Cool - But Why Do This?</h2>
<p>Bandwidth is a limited resource for a lot of users around the world. As designers and developers it&#8217;s best to respect this fact and only load in elements as the user <em>requires</em> them. Every little bit helps.</p>
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