Thu, 21 Apr 2022 SIMPLE GUIDE FOR CREATING YOUR OWN SHINOBI.WEBSITE Learn how to setup your own Shinobi site without the need for any technical background. I'm going to keep this article as streamlined as possible. This post assumes you understand _what_ a shinobi website is and will therefore skip reiterating that. Instead we will break things down into basic step-by-step instructions. STEP 1 ------ Create a new folder (where you think it is best on your system). This will contain all the files for our shinobi website. Name it what ever you like. STEP 2 ------ Download the following project: STEP 3 ------ Edit the following content in the newly created "" to align with your own settings. (ie: YOUR-DOMAIN would be "") Feel free to use any text editor that works best for you. 1. YOUR-DOMAIN 2. YOUR-EMAIL (YOUR-NAME) 3. YOUR-BLOG-TITLE 4. YOUR-BLOG-DESCRIPTION 5. YOUR-COPYRIGHT-INFO *Important*: You might not have a domain setup currently or plan to use the one generated by Netlify Drop below. That's okay! You can always come back to this step after the domain is live, change it and re-run everything again to update! STEP 4 ------ Next, look for the folder named "posts". This will contain all your blog posts going forward. (It also contains a couple dummy posts for reference) STEP 5 ------ Write your first blog post! Create a new text file inside the "posts" sub-folder (ie: my-awesome-post.txt). Be sure to structure the first 4 lines the same as below: (Pay attention to the blank space between the title and post description!) > Thu, 21 Apr 2022 > YOUR BLOG POST TITLE > > This is my short and sweet blog post description STEP 6 ------ If you are happy with your article then that means it's time to generate your site! Open a terminal app in your system (Windows, Mac, Linux - doesn't matter) and navigate to your new website folder by typing the following: cd path/to/your/blog/folder STEP 7 ------ Now run the bash script to generate the "feed.xml" file automatically: bash > feed.xml STEP 8 ------ Now to host your new website! For this tutorial we are going to use Netlify Drop for simplicity and ease-of-use. Go to and then drag-and-drop your website folder directly into the website. You'll get a "" based URL, unless you decide to implement a custom domain (which is easy to do following Netlify's instructions). Now you can share your "" with the world and your readers can subscribe via RSS! WHAT ABOUT NEW POSTS OR UPDATES? -------------------------------- By getting a free Netlify account you can continue to re-upload the website folder when you make changes or add new articles. Easy, right? Good luck on your own shinobi websites! P.S. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions via I'll try to respond as quick as I can. Please be patient!