# Markdown examples On top of plain Markdown, [Markdown Extra](https://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra) adds support for footnotes, abbreviations, definition lists, tables, `class` and `id` attributes, fenced code blocks, and Markdown inside HTML blocks. Additionally, images are properly enclosed in figure elements (with optional figcaption), and the `loading="lazy"` attribute is added. *** This is **bold**, *italic*, this is an [internal link](#2021-01-11-hello-world), this is ~~not~~ `code`, press alt. ![This is the image alt text](content/img/image.png "This is the image title.") {width=1280 height=800} This is the image caption (line begins with a space). The image above is actually a rendered base64 encoding. > This text is in a blockquote. ## This is a level 2 heading ### This is a level 3 heading - This - is - a list 0. This 1. is 10. an 11. ordered list ```.txt This is preformatted text. ``` this is a table | header |this column is right-aligned | ----------------| --------------|----------------------------:| these | content |1234 | are | cells |56789 | This sentence has a footnote.[^1] [^1]: This is a footnote *[HTML]: Hypertext Markup Language *[Markdown]: Markdown is a lightweight markup language for creating formatted text using a plain-text editor