# jsfree.org **A community-curated collection of web services that work without JavaScript.** --- If you're looking for the reasoning behind this project, read [Introducing jsfree.org](/2024-01-10-introducing-jsfree/) ## Core objectives * Avoid e-waste by supporting old, outdated hardware. * Support browsers that lack the ability to run JavaScript. * Increase web accessibility. * Focus on performance and software efficiency. * Promote a safer, faster experience on the web. * Be excellent to each other and have fun! ## How you can help Things you can do to contribute to the project (in order of importance): * [Submit](https://sr.ht/~bt/jsfree.org/lists) service/category suggestions or improvements to the main website. * Create your own JavaScript-free web service / application. (Then submit it!) * Spread the word, so the world knows they can go JavaScript-free. ## News You can keep up-to-date by following the Atom feed.