# Using Netlify for Dynamic URL Redirects 2021-12-03 With the [recent domain switch](/minor-website-changes/) that took place on this website, I needed to have a dependable setup to forward my old domain URLs to the new one. While using something like "URL forwarding" through your domain provider could work, it doesn't natively support *dynamic* linking. Let me explain using a basic example: - A user clicks on a link that targets a post on your old domain:
`olddomain.com/random-post` - You want that link to forward using the same permalink structure:
`newdomain.com/random-post` - "URL forwarding" through your domain provider **does not** support this Simple stuff. So, let's breakdown how to easily set this up on Netlify *for free*. ## Setting Up Netlify - Create an account (or login to an existing one) and setup a new site[^1] - Change your "old" domain name nameservers to match Netlify's (normally done through your domain register) - `dns1.p03.nsone.net` - `dns2.p03.nsone.net` - `dns3.p03.nsone.net` - `dns4.p03.nsone.net` - Back in Netlify: under **Domain Settings** you need to add your custom "old" domain under the **Custom domains** section under **Domain management** - Lastly, add the following content inside a `_redirects` file (no extension) to your website content/build (changing to your own domains, of course) https://olddomain.com/* https://newdomain.com/:splat 301! That's it! Now Netlify will dynamically forward all your pre-existing URLs from your old domain to the new one. No pesky `.htaccess` files or running your own basic web server(s)! Hopefully this helps others trying to dynamically redirect their domains without the headache. [^1]: I normally set this up through Github / git hosting