# Hosting with Codeberg Pages 2022-07-29 I recently switched the [pblog](https://pblog.bt.ht) project repo over from Sourcehut to Codeberg (mostly for UX reasons) and it got me looking into [Codeberg Pages](https://codeberg.page). It seemed like a cleaner approach to host my personal blog on the same platform I planned to also share the source code. I decided to share the setup process here since I couldn't find a straightforward guide explaining everything required to get going. So, let's dig in. ## Create the Repos **Disclaimer**: My personal blog uses [pblog](https://pblog.bt.ht), so although these instructions will be catered towards that SSG the same concept *should* apply for any other generator (Jekyll, Hugo, Next, etc.). The first step is to create the main repo that would house the core files of `pblog`. Then we need to make a separate repo simply called `pages`. This second project is where all the generated "static" files get rendered. *Side note*: Be sure to at least include a `README` file in that `pages` repo. This will avoid any errors or warnings when setting up our submodules in the next steps. ## Configuration Edits Once your two repos are created, you will need to make some minor edits to the `_config.sh` in the core `pblog` project to tell the build script where the generated files should go (in this case the `pages` repo): ~~~sh OUTPUT="_output/pages/" ~~~ ## The Submodule Using terminal, navigate to the `_output/` directory in your core `pblog` project. Run the following, remembering to replace the USERNAME parameter with your own: ~~~sh git submodule add git@codeberg.org:USERNAME/pages.git ~~~ If everything worked correctly you should now have a `.gitmodules` file in your main `pblog` project. If you get any errors, you might need to include the name of the directory at the end of the command: ~~~sh git submodule add git@codeberg.org:USERNAME/pages.git pages ~~~ ## The Workflow Now you can make changes, add new posts and pages in the main `pblog` project and have those generated files render into your other `pages` repo. For this workflow, I simply push commits to both projects when I am happy with my changes but I'm sure you could look into automating this process (ie. a single push from the `pblog` repo forces a the `pages` repo to also update). Now you can navigate to the standard Codeberg Pages URL to see it in action: ~~~sh USERNAME.codeberg.page ~~~ If you want to use your own custom domain (who doesn't?) then continue reading. ## Custom Domains (Optional) The first thing you will need to do is add a `.domains` file to your `pages` root directory. In this file you will want to list your custom domain on the first line, followed by the standard Codeberg pages URL below it. Like so: ~~~sh yourcustomdomain.com USERNAME.codeberg.page ~~~ I'm keeping this very basic, but I suggest you look further into the [official documentation](https://docs.codeberg.org/codeberg-pages/#custom-domains) if there are any extra settings you'd like to tinker with. The final step is configuring a `CNAME` DNS setting through your registrar: ~~~sh @ -> USERNAME.codeberg.page ~~~ Give the DNS settings a bit of time to take (24-48 hours) and you'll have your custom domain working just fine. Happy hosting!