--- layout: post title: "Introducing Notez" date: 2021-01-13 --- I have always been a fan of simple note taking applications, since I tend to take a lot of random notes throughout the work day. Sometimes I reach for simple pen and paper, but other times it's nice to stay focused jotting down notes on the same device I'm working on. Previously, I just created quick `notes.txt` files in my open code editor or fell back on the default OS note apps. These worked perfectly fine but often got in my way (or even worse - lost among everything else). So I said the hell with it and built Notez. ## What makes Notez special? Nothing, really. It's actually a pretty "stupid" app compared to others on the market. But this one is *mine*. Plus, it was fun to piece it together on a random evening before bed. For those curious, let's take a look at the feature list: - free and open source (github.com/bradleytaunt/notez) - uses `localStorage` to keep changes persistent (helpful for browser crashes, etc) - includes basic export functionality to download content as a simple `output.txt` file That's it. Mind blowing stuff, eh? ## Making stuff is fun My main takeaway when building this tiny, dumb app was to just *enjoy building fun stuff*. It crossed my mind several times how there are already hundreds of note taking apps across the vast Internet. I also thought about how others might look at the code I wrote and go, "Oh my God - why did he do it that way? What an idiot!". But I don't care - I had fun making it. Hopefully you enjoy using it as well!