Personal configuration for the text editor Sublime Text ([]( ## Themes / Color Schemes * Theme: Default * Color scheme is set to `auto`: * Light scheme: `Breakers` * Dark scheme: `Dracula` ## Plugins * BracketHighlighter * Copy Relative Path * Dracula Color Scheme * Emmet * Package Control ## Settings { "ignored_packages": [ "Vintage", ], "color_scheme": "auto", "dark_color_scheme": "Packages/Dracula Color Scheme/Dracula.tmTheme", "light_color_scheme": "Packages/Colorsublime - Themes/Butterfly.tmTheme", "font_face": "JetBrains Mono NL", "font_size": 14, "line_padding_top": 3, "line_padding_bottom": 3, "highlight_line": true, "word_wrap": true, "dark_theme": "Default Dark.sublime-theme", "light_theme": "Default.sublime-theme", "tab_size": 2, "theme": "auto", "index_files": true, "show_definitions": false, "show_full_path": true, /*"tab_size": 2,*/ "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true, }