This page contains a comprehensive guide to setting up cgit on NearlyFreeSpeech. It is assumed that you already have an account with NFS and also have access to a "site" online. Most of the following has been lifted from [NearlyFreeSpeech cgit application walkthrough]( but has been tweaked and updated. You can see a **live version** [here]( ## Building cgit The following assumes that you wish to have cgit running at the top-level of your chosen domain (ie. SSH into your account the download and unpack the latest release: git clone git:// cgit-src cd cgit-src Create a cgit.conf file with desired locations: CGIT_SCRIPT_PATH = /home/public CGIT_DATA_PATH = $(CGIT_SCRIPT_PATH) CGIT_CONFIG = $(CGIT_SCRIPT_PATH)/cgitrc CACHE_ROOT = $(CGIT_SCRIPT_PATH)/cgitcache prefix = $(CGIT_SCRIPT_PATH)/local Get the git sources (needed to build libgit): git submodule init git submodule update Build and install it: gmake install ## Configuration Make a text file named `cgitrc` where you specified for CGIT_CONFIG and add the following: css=/cgit.css logo=/cgit.png root-title=My Git Repositories **And you should be good to go!**