Making software better without sacrificing user experience.

As a designer/developer hybrid, I help software companies improve their user experience and ship more performant products. I also actively maintain several open source projects.

I'm passionate about open source software, usability, performance, privacy, and minimal design. This small piece of the internet stores a growing collection of my personal brain dumps.

Skills & Languages

Core tools are Figma, HTML, CSS, JavaScript & WordPress. Currently improving my skills with Ruby, Rails, MySQL & PHP. I also enjoy tinkering with basic shell scripts and Unix systems.

Design Thought Experiments

Stop Using Hamburger Menus (Sometimes)
Common performance and accessibility issues caused by using hamburger menus.

Better Search Results
Rethinking the UX flow of modern search engines.

My Coffee Maker Just Makes Coffee
How products should focus on doing one thing very well.

Blog Anonymously
A basic starting point for those wishing to blog privately.

Articles & Tutorials