From 3f6a9546ec13063d0d5bdf21d30a93d3e8aa6050 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bradley Taunt Date: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 14:22:21 -0400 Subject: Rebuild changes based off latest barf --- build/posts.tsv | 346 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- 1 file changed, 173 insertions(+), 173 deletions(-) (limited to 'build/posts.tsv') diff --git a/build/posts.tsv b/build/posts.tsv index fdf3d9c..d8e0f41 100644 --- a/build/posts.tsv +++ b/build/posts.tsv @@ -1,173 +1,173 @@ -posts/$ Do You Have an Extra $10? -posts/ Making a Website Under 1kB -posts/ Building rbenv on OpenBSD 7.5 -posts/ Installing WordPress on NearlyFreeSpeech -posts/ My Text Edtior is Not Open Source -posts/ New Domain and Code Forge -posts/ OpenBSD is a Cozy Operating System -posts/ Please Make Your Table Headings Sticky -posts/ Switching Things Over to ikiwiki -posts/ Website Backups with Apple iCloud -posts/ Setting Up AdGuard Home with Eero -posts/ Avoiding Featurism -posts/ Adventures in Creating a Minimal Alpine Linux Installer -posts/ Animated Card Tiles -posts/ Animated Radio Tab Toggles -posts/ Audio Hotkeys on Linux Mint -posts/ Aqua UI CSS Buttons -posts/ A Warning for New Designers: Avoid Dribbble -posts/ Base64 All The Things! (Sometimes) -posts/ Basic Gulp Build for Sass -posts/ Batch Converting Images to webp with macOS Automator -posts/ Improving Laptop Battery Performance on OpenBSD -posts/ Being More Efficient as a Designer and Developer -posts/ Hosting with Codeberg Pages -posts/ Better Box Shadows -posts/ Bidirectional Scrolling: Why Not Both? -posts/ Browser History Sucks -posts/ CSS Character Unit -posts/ Chasing Performance -posts/ Portable Pi: Cheap Raspberry Pi Zero Hacker Terminal -posts/ Web Development on a $200 Chromebook -posts/ A Reality Where CSS and JavaScript Don't Exist -posts/ CSS Slope Graphs -posts/ CSS Variables -posts/ CSS Video Backgrounds -posts/ CSS Value: `currentColor` -posts/ Cut Your Forms in Half -posts/ The Death of Personality -posts/ Very Basic Form Styling -posts/ Modern Improvements for Default Browser Styles -posts/ Unsolicited Design Review - Dropbox -posts/ Disabling Comments in WordPress -posts/ Designers Need Thicker Skin -posts/ Two Weeks with the DuckDuckGo Browser -posts/ Don't Make a Blog, Make a Brain Dump -posts/ Dynamic Viewports with CSS -posts/ Bringing dwm Shortcuts to GNOME -posts/ Dynamic Checkboxes -posts/ Easy Custom Radio Inputs -posts/ Easy Toggle Switches -posts/ Setting Up a Pi-hole Server with Eero -posts/ Styling Empty Table Cells -posts/ ET-Jekyll Theme -posts/ Faking 3D Elements with CSS -posts/ Setting Up Fathom Analytics with Netlify -posts/ February 2022 Update -posts/ First Letter Pseudo Element -posts/ Pure CSS Bar Graphs with Graceful Mobile Fallbacks -posts/ Adaptable Flexbox Grid -posts/ Prescription Form UI Improvements -posts/ Chrome OS Could Become the Future Leader of Computing -posts/ Simplifying the Craigslist Gallery -posts/ Applying Email-Based Git Patches in Evolution on Linux -posts/ Goodbye CSS Preprocessors -posts/ Using Hamburger Menus? Try Sausage Links -posts/ Stop Using Hamburger Menus (Sometimes) -posts/ Converting HEIF Images with macOS Automator -posts/ Goodbye WordPress, Hello Jekyll (Again) -posts/ HTML Dark Mode -posts/ Write HTML Like It's 1999 -posts/ Using HTML Validator Badges Again -posts/ Improving Github's New Design -posts/ Improving Receipt UX -posts/ Improving Tufte CSS for Jekyll -posts/ Introducing Notez -posts/ Introducing PageRoast -posts/ Hosting a Jekyll Site on Sourcehut -posts/ Setup Jekyll from Scratch on a New Linux System -posts/ Transferring Media from macOS to a Jellyfin Server (Raspberry Pi 4) -posts/ Using Parent Selectors in CSS -posts/ Keynote Slides with Pure CSS -posts/ ThriftyName: $5 Brand Names -posts/ The Lazy Developer's Dark Mode -posts/ How to "FLOSS" as a Web Designer -posts/ Installing Custom Fonts on Linux from the Command Line -posts/ The Linux Desktop is Hard to Love -posts/ Linux Mint MacBook Air Setup -posts/ Click to Load Website Images -posts/ Fixing LocalWP on Fedora 32 -posts/ Looping Through Jekyll Collections -posts/ My Robotic Mower Woes -posts/ Convert Files to HTML with macOS Automator Quick Actions -posts/ Create a Mac App Icon with Pure HTML and CSS -posts/ Working with `git` Patches in Apple Mail -posts/ Replacing My Eero Mesh Network with Two Mangos -posts/ Menu Toggle with Pure CSS -posts/ Mini Interactive Keyboard with Pure CSS -posts/ Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menu -posts/ Using a New Domain and Switching Static Hosts -posts/ Installing Older Versions of MongoDB on Arch Linux -posts/ Why I Stopped Using an External Monitor -posts/ Using Multiple CSS Background Images -posts/ My Raspberry Pi Desktop -posts/ My Static Blog Publishing Setup and an Apology to RSS Subscribers -posts/ CSS: Indenting Text -posts/ Using Netlify for Dynamic URL Redirects -posts/ News Websites Are Dumpster Fires -posts/ RE: Creating a Simple HTML/CSS Notice Box -posts/ Obvious Javascript 'Injection' Fallback -posts/ Billing for One CSS Change -posts/ My Coffee Maker Just Makes Coffee -posts/ Open Source Typeface Pairings -posts/ Building openring with Jekyll Build -posts/ Over-Engineering an Oil Tank Gauge -posts/ Over-Nesting -posts/ Happily Paying For macOS Apps -posts/ Yet Another Static Site Generator Switch -posts/ Create a Performance-Focused WordPress Blog -posts/ My Changing Opinion on Personal Website Design -posts/ 89 Blog Posts in a Single HTML File -posts/ Stuffing an SSD Inside the Raspberry Pi 400 -posts/ Setting Up for Families on a Pi-Hole -posts/ Plain Text Emails, Please -posts/ Poor Man's CSS Full-Bleed Layout -posts/ My Cheapskate Commenting System -posts/ Proper UI Hierarchy -posts/ PS4 Download UI with Pure CSS -posts/ Publishing Simple Books With Jekyll -posts/ Pure CSS Simple Dropdown Plugin -posts/ Quick and Dirty Theme Switcher -posts/ Clickable Links Inside XML -posts/ RSS Hacks With XSLT -posts/ Installing Ruby with RVM on Alpine Linux -posts/ Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color -posts/ Enabling Safari Extensions with the macOS Catalina Patcher -posts/ Schools Should Be Using Open Source Software -posts/ What Happened to Self-Hosted Blogs? -posts/ Self-Hosting Fathom Analytics with DigitalOcean -posts/ Setting Up a Free SSL -posts/ Blogging for 7 Years -posts/ Sharing The Things We Use -posts/ This Site is Now a Shinobi Website -posts/ Shiny, Animated CSS Buttons -posts/ Simple Accessibility -posts/ Simple Does Not Mean Ugly -posts/ Simple Navigation Setup in Jekyll 3.9.0 -posts/ Skip to Content Button -posts/ Converting My X201 ThinkPad into a Slabtop -posts/ Embracing Slow Tech -posts/ SOMA Inspired Terminal Display with CSS -posts/ Never Do Spec Work for Free -posts/ Migrating from GitHub to sourcehut -posts/ Stay Hungry -posts/ Stop Using Sticky Navigation on Mobile -posts/ Yes, I Still Use jQuery -posts/ Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) -posts/ Launching Sublime Text with dmenu on Alpine Linux -posts/ I Want to Suckless and You Can Too -posts/ Super Mario Blocks in CSS -posts/ Tabbed Content Without JavaScript -posts/ Making Tables Responsive With Minimal CSS -posts/ The Wonders of Text Ellipsis -posts/ Text Align: Justify -posts/ They Won't Wait: A Warning for Slow Websites -posts/ Icons Should be Complementary - Text is Always Better -posts/ Using User-Select -posts/ Running VSCode in Chromium on OpenBSD -posts/ Stop Using Custom Web Fonts -posts/ Width or Flex-Basis? -posts/ Setting Up Jekyll on Windows -posts/ WP Enqueue for Beginners -posts/ Bypassing the WiFi Hardware Switch on the Lenovo X201 -posts/ The X220 ThinkPad is the Best Laptop in the World +posts/ The X220 ThinkPad is the Best Laptop in the World +posts/ Bypassing the WiFi Hardware Switch on the Lenovo X201 +posts/ WP Enqueue for Beginners +posts/ Setting Up Jekyll on Windows +posts/ Width or Flex-Basis? +posts/ Stop Using Custom Web Fonts +posts/ Running VSCode in Chromium on OpenBSD +posts/ Using User-Select +posts/ Icons Should be Complementary - Text is Always Better +posts/ They Won't Wait: A Warning for Slow Websites +posts/ Text Align: Justify +posts/ The Wonders of Text Ellipsis +posts/ Making Tables Responsive With Minimal CSS +posts/ Tabbed Content Without JavaScript +posts/ Super Mario Blocks in CSS +posts/ I Want to Suckless and You Can Too +posts/ Launching Sublime Text with dmenu on Alpine Linux +posts/ Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) +posts/ Yes, I Still Use jQuery +posts/ Stop Using Sticky Navigation on Mobile +posts/ Stay Hungry +posts/ Migrating from GitHub to sourcehut +posts/ Never Do Spec Work for Free +posts/ SOMA Inspired Terminal Display with CSS +posts/ Embracing Slow Tech +posts/ Converting My X201 ThinkPad into a Slabtop +posts/ Skip to Content Button +posts/ Simple Navigation Setup in Jekyll 3.9.0 +posts/ Simple Does Not Mean Ugly +posts/ Simple Accessibility +posts/ Shiny, Animated CSS Buttons +posts/ This Site is Now a Shinobi Website +posts/ Sharing The Things We Use +posts/ Blogging for 7 Years +posts/ Setting Up a Free SSL +posts/ Self-Hosting Fathom Analytics with DigitalOcean +posts/ What Happened to Self-Hosted Blogs? +posts/ Schools Should Be Using Open Source Software +posts/ Enabling Safari Extensions with the macOS Catalina Patcher +posts/ Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color +posts/ Installing Ruby with RVM on Alpine Linux +posts/ RSS Hacks With XSLT +posts/ Clickable Links Inside XML +posts/ Quick and Dirty Theme Switcher +posts/ Pure CSS Simple Dropdown Plugin +posts/ Publishing Simple Books With Jekyll +posts/ PS4 Download UI with Pure CSS +posts/ Proper UI Hierarchy +posts/ My Cheapskate Commenting System +posts/ Poor Man's CSS Full-Bleed Layout +posts/ Plain Text Emails, Please +posts/ Setting Up for Families on a Pi-Hole +posts/ Stuffing an SSD Inside the Raspberry Pi 400 +posts/ 89 Blog Posts in a Single HTML File +posts/ My Changing Opinion on Personal Website Design +posts/ Create a Performance-Focused WordPress Blog +posts/ Yet Another Static Site Generator Switch +posts/ Happily Paying For macOS Apps +posts/ Over-Nesting +posts/ Over-Engineering an Oil Tank Gauge +posts/ Building openring with Jekyll Build +posts/ Open Source Typeface Pairings +posts/ My Coffee Maker Just Makes Coffee +posts/ Billing for One CSS Change +posts/ Obvious Javascript 'Injection' Fallback +posts/ RE: Creating a Simple HTML/CSS Notice Box +posts/ News Websites Are Dumpster Fires +posts/ Using Netlify for Dynamic URL Redirects +posts/ CSS: Indenting Text +posts/ My Static Blog Publishing Setup and an Apology to RSS Subscribers +posts/ My Raspberry Pi Desktop +posts/ Using Multiple CSS Background Images +posts/ Why I Stopped Using an External Monitor +posts/ Installing Older Versions of MongoDB on Arch Linux +posts/ Using a New Domain and Switching Static Hosts +posts/ Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menu +posts/ Mini Interactive Keyboard with Pure CSS +posts/ Menu Toggle with Pure CSS +posts/ Replacing My Eero Mesh Network with Two Mangos +posts/ Working with `git` Patches in Apple Mail +posts/ Create a Mac App Icon with Pure HTML and CSS +posts/ Convert Files to HTML with macOS Automator Quick Actions +posts/ My Robotic Mower Woes +posts/ Looping Through Jekyll Collections +posts/ Fixing LocalWP on Fedora 32 +posts/ Click to Load Website Images +posts/ Linux Mint MacBook Air Setup +posts/ The Linux Desktop is Hard to Love +posts/ Installing Custom Fonts on Linux from the Command Line +posts/ How to "FLOSS" as a Web Designer +posts/ The Lazy Developer's Dark Mode +posts/ ThriftyName: $5 Brand Names +posts/ Keynote Slides with Pure CSS +posts/ Using Parent Selectors in CSS +posts/ Transferring Media from macOS to a Jellyfin Server (Raspberry Pi 4) +posts/ Setup Jekyll from Scratch on a New Linux System +posts/ Hosting a Jekyll Site on Sourcehut +posts/ Introducing PageRoast +posts/ Introducing Notez +posts/ Improving Tufte CSS for Jekyll +posts/ Improving Receipt UX +posts/ Improving Github's New Design +posts/ Using HTML Validator Badges Again +posts/ Write HTML Like It's 1999 +posts/ HTML Dark Mode +posts/ Goodbye WordPress, Hello Jekyll (Again) +posts/ Converting HEIF Images with macOS Automator +posts/ Stop Using Hamburger Menus (Sometimes) +posts/ Using Hamburger Menus? Try Sausage Links +posts/ Goodbye CSS Preprocessors +posts/ Applying Email-Based Git Patches in Evolution on Linux +posts/ Simplifying the Craigslist Gallery +posts/ Chrome OS Could Become the Future Leader of Computing +posts/ Prescription Form UI Improvements +posts/ Adaptable Flexbox Grid +posts/ Pure CSS Bar Graphs with Graceful Mobile Fallbacks +posts/ First Letter Pseudo Element +posts/ February 2022 Update +posts/ Setting Up Fathom Analytics with Netlify +posts/ Faking 3D Elements with CSS +posts/ ET-Jekyll Theme +posts/ Styling Empty Table Cells +posts/ Setting Up a Pi-hole Server with Eero +posts/ Easy Toggle Switches +posts/ Easy Custom Radio Inputs +posts/ Dynamic Checkboxes +posts/ Bringing dwm Shortcuts to GNOME +posts/ Dynamic Viewports with CSS +posts/ Don't Make a Blog, Make a Brain Dump +posts/ Two Weeks with the DuckDuckGo Browser +posts/ Designers Need Thicker Skin +posts/ Disabling Comments in WordPress +posts/ Unsolicited Design Review - Dropbox +posts/ Modern Improvements for Default Browser Styles +posts/ Very Basic Form Styling +posts/ The Death of Personality +posts/ Cut Your Forms in Half +posts/ CSS Value: `currentColor` +posts/ CSS Video Backgrounds +posts/ CSS Variables +posts/ CSS Slope Graphs +posts/ A Reality Where CSS and JavaScript Don't Exist +posts/ Web Development on a $200 Chromebook +posts/ Portable Pi: Cheap Raspberry Pi Zero Hacker Terminal +posts/ Chasing Performance +posts/ CSS Character Unit +posts/ Browser History Sucks +posts/ Bidirectional Scrolling: Why Not Both? +posts/ Better Box Shadows +posts/ Hosting with Codeberg Pages +posts/ Being More Efficient as a Designer and Developer +posts/ Improving Laptop Battery Performance on OpenBSD +posts/ Batch Converting Images to webp with macOS Automator +posts/ Basic Gulp Build for Sass +posts/ Base64 All The Things! (Sometimes) +posts/ A Warning for New Designers: Avoid Dribbble +posts/ Aqua UI CSS Buttons +posts/ Audio Hotkeys on Linux Mint +posts/ Animated Radio Tab Toggles +posts/ Animated Card Tiles +posts/ Adventures in Creating a Minimal Alpine Linux Installer +posts/ Avoiding Featurism +posts/ Setting Up AdGuard Home with Eero +posts/ Website Backups with Apple iCloud +posts/ Switching Things Over to ikiwiki +posts/ Please Make Your Table Headings Sticky +posts/ OpenBSD is a Cozy Operating System +posts/ New Domain and Code Forge +posts/ My Text Edtior is Not Open Source +posts/ Installing WordPress on NearlyFreeSpeech +posts/ Building rbenv on OpenBSD 7.5 +posts/ Making a Website Under 1kB +posts/$ Do You Have an Extra $10? -- cgit v1.2.3-54-g00ecf