# barf **barf is an extremely minimal blog generator.** The entire build script is >170 lines of shell. It could almost be called "suckless", but probably isn't. It was created for those focused on writing, not tinkering. You can learn more by reading the [official README](https://git.sr.ht/~bt/barf). **barf** = blogs are really fun --- ### Get setup in 2 minutes **Install dependencies:** For Linux (Alpine example): sudo apk add rsync coreutils For macOS: brew install rsync coreutils gnu-sed For OpenBSD: doas pkg_add coreutils gsed cmake gcc **Clone `smu` for markdown parsing:** git clone https://git.sr.ht/~bt/smu cd smu make make install **Clone barf:** git clone https://git.sr.ht/~bt/barf 1. Open project, change the `domain` variable at the top of the core barf file 2. Run: `make build` 3. Upload the contents of `build` to your server! 4. Profit? --- ### Articles