#!/bin/bash ALPINE_USER="bt" if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ] then echo "The script has to be run as root." exit fi cp modules.conf /etc/modules-load.d/ cp mimeapps.list /usr/share/applications/ cp .xinitrc /home/$ALPINE_USER/.xinitrc cp .vimrc /home/$ALPINE_USER/.vimrc cp .zshrc /home/$ALPINE_USER/.zshrc mkdir /home/$ALPINE_USER/.suckless cd /home/$ALPINE_USER/.suckless git clone https://git.btxx.org/dwm cd dwm echo "Installing dwm" rm -rf config.h make clean install cd .. git clone https://git.btxx.org/dmenu cd dmenu echo "Installing dmenu" rm -rf config.h make clean install cd .. git clone https://git.btxx.org/slstatus cd slstatus echo "Installing slstatus" rm -rf config.h make clean install cd .. git clone https://git.btxx.org/st cd st echo "Installing st" rm -rf config.h make clean install cd .. git clone https://git.btxx.org/surf cd surf echo "Installing surf" rm -rf config.h make clean install cd .. git clone https://git.btxx.org/slock cd slock echo "Installing slock" rm -rf config.h make clean install cd .. cd .. rc-service dbus start rc-update add dbus rc-service iwd start rc-update add iwd rc-service alsa start rc-update add alsa echo "Install finished. You should reboot your machine."