--- title: "Two Years and Over 700 Websites Later" layout: post summary: "Reflecting on the upcoming borthday for 1MB Club" --- Although the second "birthday" of the 1MB Club is officially *November 19*, I couldn't help by write down some of my thoughts about this project over the past two years. I honestly have nothing but positive things to say and the amount of interest in this silly side project has been wonderful! ## Some Fun Stats Let's take a look at some stats that don't mean anything of *real* importance (please note - these figures are based on stats collected at the time of writing): The **Github** repo has the following: - 290 stars - 197 forks - 391 commits - 246 contributors - 351 pull requests (all closed!) Some fun facts about the **website** itself: - 742 total members - Total size of all member websites combined: **169.4 MB** - Average member website size: **228.3 KB** - 8 [Hall of Fame](/#hof) members (thank you!) - 3 website redesigns since launch ([read more](/blog/club-updates/)) - Switched hosting from Netlify to NearlyFreeSpeech.NET - Recently added a web-focused [blog](/blog) ## Closing Thoughts I'm still passionate about making a leaner, more performance-based web. I still get excited seeing another member request pop into my inbox. I love getting to visit those submitted websites and discovering something *new* on the internet. Something I otherwise would have probably missed. It's a good reminder how truly massive the size of the internet is. I should also mention that the members who have requested to join have been nothing but nice. It's been great interacting with so many others who share the same passion for a "smaller" web footprint. My hope is to keep this collection growing for as long as I possibly can. Thanks for reading, -- Brad