#!/bin/bash if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 " exit 1 fi folder_path=$1 # Timeout value in seconds (adjust as needed) url_timeout=10 # Loop through each markdown file in the specified folder for file in "$folder_path"/*.md; do if [ -f "$file" ]; then # Extract URL from "pageurl:" YAML url=$(grep "pageurl:" "$file" | awk '{print $2}') if [ -n "$url" ]; then download_dir=$(mktemp -d) # Use curl with timeout to download the page and its resources, redirecting logs to /dev/null if gtimeout "$url_timeout" curl -L --create-dirs --output "$download_dir/index.html" "$url" > /dev/null 2>&1; then # Display the size of each downloaded resource echo "Resource sizes for $url:" total_size_bytes=0 # Iterate over files directly in the temporary download directory for resource_file in "$download_dir"/*; do if [ -f "$resource_file" ]; then size_bytes=$(stat -f%z "$resource_file") total_size_bytes=$((total_size_bytes + size_bytes)) echo "$resource_file: $size_bytes bytes" fi done # Convert total size to kilobytes total_size_kb=$((total_size_bytes / 1024)) # Update the "size:" YAML with the total size awk -v total_size_bytes="$total_size_bytes" '/size:/ {sub(/size:.*/, "size: " total_size_bytes)} 1' "$file" > "$file.tmp" && mv "$file.tmp" "$file" # Clean up the temporary download directory rm -r "$download_dir" echo "Total size of all resources updated in $file: $total_size_kb kilobytes" else echo "Error: Timeout while checking URL in $file" fi else echo "Error: URL not found in $file" fi fi done